Friday, April 13, 2012


As we do laundry at the marina, we watch other boats coming and going...

It’s been a week of firsts. Yet a week of longing for more. Despite all our hard work, new friendships, places visited and discovered, foods savoured, drinks sipped and sunshine soaked up – we still haven’t sailed. I know that we will have months and years of sailing ahead, but there comes a point, a day when you just feel like you haven’t really ‘joined the club’ til you’ve left the safe harbor and raised the sails.
We are contemplating at least leaving True Blue Bay and heading around the south of Grenada, past Prickly Bay to Hog Island. It promises less rolling waves, swimmable water and a little beach bar on the island to scoot over to, by dinghy of course.
JW has managed to get the newly installed radar system functional, we’ve treated the galley and saloon floor with teak oil, installed lights above the outdoor table near the nav station, and I have done some nesting. Managed to put up some bits of nautical artwork around the boat, and it’s feeling both like home, and ready to move.
A few Ghana masks have made it across with me!

A mosaic fish all the way from Hermanus flea market in South Africa now in Shiloh's master bath!

We’ve yet to hoist the sails and check out that everything is in order, but the clock is ticking closer!
Meanwhile we’ve settled into the ‘cruisers life’ here in Grenada, starting each day listening to the 7:30am broadcast of cruisers net –where you hear weather and wind info, social events, ‘treasures of the bilge’ classified ads, and info about local goods and services.
We’ve been to a Trivia night – arrived by dinghy after motoring directly through a mini rain storm in the bay – spent the evening dripping through our chairs. My team came in second and I was given our team prize – a bottle of questionably cloudy peach coloured rum punch. Haven’t ventured to test that out yet!
Serving up fried and battered plantain - Esther and Omega's class
 I attended a local cuisine cooking class, and learned that Grenadians like fried foods. Which was great because we got to taste the food and I was in the mood for some grease and carbs. We made fish cakes, battered plantain and sweet potato pone for dessert. Sat a bit heavy later!
The bicycles continue to serve us well, and have taken us on a south west tour of the island, from the University to the airport, to the 2mile long Grand Anse beach.
Basically, it’s been great, but we’re getting that nagging feeling – it’s time to move! Stay tuned.


  1. Followed you over from Holli's Ramblings and I will follow your new adventure with interest...hope you have a wonderful time, and that you don't miss Ghana too much!

  2. Thanks Accidental!! I hope to fill all my time with new and wonderful things, so as not to miss Ghana too much :) Will visit your site too!!!

  3. Well, can't wait to start sailing, I'm sure you'll show us wonders!
